Photo of Miriam Orthega Dominican Republic
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Academic Training in the area of art

BORN in San Francisco de Macoris. His academic training in the area of Arts Plastic Arts from 1985-1988 study with the maestro Silvano Lora, 1989-1990, Fashion Design at the Instituto Técnico Adolfina Llubí, 1991, arch....

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Photo of Miriam Orthega Dominican Republic

Academic Training in the area of art

BORN in San Francisco de Macoris. His academic training in the area of Arts Plastic Arts from 1985-1988 study with the maestro Silvano Lora, 1989-1990, Fashion Design at the Instituto Técnico Adolfina Llubí, 1991, arch. Ivan Balcácer, Art History, 1992, Escuela de Diseño de Altos de Chavon, Anatomical Dibujo, 2001-2003, studying at the School of Artistic Dibujo arch. Brothers with the maestro Gallardo, Technical Oil in 1988, Expression and Composition with the maestro Persio Checa in 1999. Two years in Technique in acrylic with the Master of Art Silfrida Leyden. It was created Various courses: museology, museums, History of the Arts was created in the Caribbean Museum of Modern Art in the decade of the Noventa with the teacher Elena Lividenko; in 2010, with study assessments for the Arts Gamal Michel and with the teacher Laura Gil Art History. Engraving given by the Milan Serum Maestra in his art studio "Milan Serum.


His experience working in 1989 to monitor the School of Arts maestro Silvano Lora, School of Art Club Arroyo Hondo. Impartió History classes at the Fashion Institute of Technical Giannina Azar.

line-height: 150% "> Since 1998 he has been Assistant to the Paradise Club school of painting, of Milan Serum Maestra.

Currently dirige su escuela Painting Art Workshop "Orthega.

He has taught workshops on the Taino Art Book Fair in 1997. He has been collaborator in several institutions for children benéficas.

Exhibition colectivas

Has participation in several colectivas:

? In 2004, Mujer y Visión in San Francisco de Macoris.

? In 2005, the Dominican Medical Association.

? In 2009, organized by the artist collective Milan Serum

? In 2010, colectivas exhibition organized by the National District Attorney's and the College of Plásticos Artists, "Lienzos Life": Capilla de los Remedios, Palacio Nacional, Gran Teatro del Cibao in Santiago.

Times;> ? Second Biennial of Plastic Arts organized by the Museum of Candido Drum.

Solo exhibitions

? In 2006, collective Diplomatic Ladies of "sunset"

? In 2005, "Blue" at Hotel Punta Cana, Bavaro.

? In 2008, "Autumn Breezes" in the Hotel Lina.

? In 2009, "compositions" in the Dominican Medical Association COOP.

Works in private collections

His private collections can be found in Gran Canaria, Spain, Family Belinchón, in Santo Domingo Matos Family, Doctor and Doctor Belliard Beriguete.

His art works are Represented by the Art Gallery Eleganza.

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